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What is a median space?A gap provided in the centre of a dual carriageway to allow vehicles to cross through or turn onto another road.
What is the maximum legal speed limit on Irish Motorways?120KMPH
How would you check your brake lights on your car if you were alone?Reverse your car towards a window and look at the reflection.
What should you do if blinded by oncoming lights at night?Slow down,look to the left,be aware of pedestrians,cyclists and obstructions on the left. If still blinded slow down more and stop if necessary.
When should you not drive?While under the influence of alcohol,drugs,or when fatigued.
What does a flashing amber light mean at a pelican crossing?Proceed with caution giving right of way to pedestrians crossing.
What does the rules of the road say about sounding your horn?You should not sound your horn between the hours of 11.30pm and 7.00am in a built up area except in an emergency.
What is the hard shoulder used for?Emergencies,breakdowns,pedestrians,and cyclists.
What is a contra flow bus lane?It is a bus lane that flows in the opposite direction to the traffic,for buses only and operates 24hours a day.
What is the rule on entering a roundabout?Give way to traffic on your immediate right,keeping the rear wheels of the vehicle in front in view at all times.
When should you use your hazard lights?When your car is broken down,being towed or at the scene of an accident.
What does a double yellow line mean?No parking at anytime.
What does a broken white line mean?A broken white line means overtake if safe to do so.
What are the road markings for a no entry street?Full white line followed by a broken white line.
What does a single yellow line mean?Parking prohibited during business hours.
What shape and colour is a warning sign?Diamond shape,yellow and black.
When can you overtake on the left?When the driver in front of you is turning right,when you intend to turn left,when the vehicles in the lane on your right are moving slower than the vehicles in your lane queueing traffic.
At a stop sign which has no white line where would you stop?At the stop sign.
What position would you take up for a right turn at the end of a one way street?The extreme right hand lane.
How would you know a zebra crossing at night?Yellow flashing beacons.
What does a broken yellow line mean?A broken yellow line marks the edge of the roadway (hard shoulder)
How close to a junction can you park?5 metres.
Where should you not overtake?At a bend,a junction,the brow of a hill,a humpback bridge,at a continuous white line or anywhere your view of oncoming traffic is restricted.
If you saw a red triangle on the road what would it mean?That there is an obstruction on the road ahead or a breakdown.
What does a green traffic light mean?Go,providing the junction is clear.
Name 4 people in authority for whom you must stop?A garda, school warden,flagman,and a person in charge of animals.
When can you cross a continuous white line?To avoid an obstruction,for access,or if there is a broken white line on your side of the continuous white line.
What rules apply to a yellow box junction?You must not enter unless your way ahead is clear with the exception of turning right,when you can enter and wait in the box if you are not obstructing other traffic.
What do 2 broken parallel lines in the centre of the road mean?There will be one or two continuous white lines ahead.
What do white diagonal lines in the centre of the road mean?You treat them like a traffic island,you do not enter(ghost island)
At a junction with roads of equal importance,to whom should you give way?"Traffic on the right and traffic already turning.
What does the island in the centre of the pedestrian crossing mean?Each side of the island is a separate crossing.
When driving at night when should you dip your headlights?a) When meeting oncoming traffic. b) When following close behind another vehicle. c) On continuously lit roads. d) At the beginning and end of lighting up hours. e) In fog or snow.
What is a clearway?Stopping and parking prohibited(except by buses or taxis)for a period indicated on the sign.
What is the legal parking distance from the kerb?Half a meter.
Where should you not park?Near a bend,the brow of a hill,a humpback bridge,at a continuous white line,where your vehicle would obstruct a sign,at an entrance,at a bus stop,opposite another vehicle on a narrow road or at a taxi rank.
What is the safe distance to drive from the car in the front?Allow 1 meter for each MPH and double if the surface is wet or observe the ‘two second rule’
At a junction when traffic lights are not working,to whom should you give way?"Traffic on the right and traffic already turning.
What does an amber traffic light mean?Stop unless you are too close to stop safely behind the white lines.
What is the national speed limit?100KMPH for cars.
What is the correct tyre thread depth?1.6mm
If there are two parallel white lines in the centre of the road,one continuous ,one broken,which would you obey?"You obey the line on your side of the road.
Why is a stop sign octagonal and a yield sign triangular (inverted)?To recognise them in snow conditions.
What should always be kept clean on your vehicle?Lights-reflectors-windows-mirrors-registration plate
What shape is the sign that regulates?Regulatory signs are round with red on white background with the exception of two stop and yield.
What is the rule about passing animals on the road?Slow down,give plenty of room,do not sound your horn or rev your patient.
Can you reverse from a minor road on to a major road?No you should only reverse from a major road to a minor.
What is aquaplaning?It is where a film of water builds up between the road and the tyre,and will affect the steering and braking.
When are you allowed to stop on the shoulder of a motorway?a) In the event of a breakdown. b) In an emergency. c) When indicated by a garda to do so.
What does a flashing amber arrow at traffic lights mean?You may turn in the direction of the amber arrow but must first give way to traffic on the road you are entering.
What are the rules for zig zag lines?Zig zag lines are found at pedestrian crossings,and mean no overtaking,no parking.
What is the speed limit on a local or regional road?80KPH.
Give examples of when it would be unsafe to stop?a) When you are already in the junction and stopping would block the junction. b) When a vehicle behind you is too close to you where they could crash into you from behind if you were to stop suddenly. c) When you’re already anticipated that if the lights turn amber but you’ve now accelerated to commit to driving through the junction.
What vehicles are not allowed on the motorway?Drivers who do not have a full license ,horse drawn carriages,motorbikes under 50 c.c i.e mopeds vehicles who cannot reach to 50kph.
When should you use your parking or side lights?When daylight begins to fade "overcast" dull days or in light rain. What lights should you have on in a tunnel? Dipped headlights unless visibility is good.
What signs would you expect to see when you are approaching a major road?Warning sign-major road ahead,regulatory sign-stop or yield.
What is the minimum legal thread depth on a tyre for vintage cars?1mm for vintage cars.
Where is the only place you will see a flashing red light?At a level crossing(trains)
What is the sequence of traffic lights?Green-steady amber-red-amber-Green
What is the two second rule?In dry conditions ,stay two seconds behind the car in front,use a stationary object on the road, start counting when the car in front passes the object and you should pass after counting two seconds.
The sequence of traffic lights?Green amber red.
What is the difference between a zebra crossing the road and a pelican crossing?A zebra crossing has the black and white stripes on the ground and flashing amber beacons,whilst a pelican crossing is controlled by traffic lights.
What does a green arrow (filter light) at traffic lights mean?You may turn in the direction of the green arrow if it is safe and clear.
On a three lane motorway which is the correct lane for normal driving?The left hand lane.
Where would you see two red flashing lights?At a level crossing with barriers and lights,and means stop,as a train is approaching.
On a dual carriageway, should you drive in the left or right lane?"You should drive in the left lane or the lane closest to the left.
What should you do if you feel tired while driving?Pull in at a safe place on the side of the road or if on a motorway, exit at the next slip road and pull in somewhere safely i.e. a garage. Walk up and down and breathe in slowly and stretch your arms and legs,drink coffee or take a nap for a minimum of 15 minutes if required.
At an uncontrolled junction of equal importance to whom should you give way?Traffic on the right, traffic already turning, if turning right to oncoming traffic coming straight through or turning to their left.

What is a median space?A gap provided in the centre of a dual carriageway to allow vehicles to cross through or turn onto another road.
What is the maximum legal speed limit on Irish Motorways?120KMPH
How would you check your brake lights on your car if you were alone?Reverse your car towards a window and look at the reflection.
What should you do if blinded by oncoming lights at night?Slow down,look to the left,be aware of pedestrians,cyclists and obstructions on the left. If still blinded slow down more and stop if necessary.
When should you not drive?While under the influence of alcohol,drugs,or when fatigued.
What does a flashing amber light mean at a pelican crossing?Proceed with caution giving right of way to pedestrians crossing.
What does the rules of the road say about sounding your horn?You should not sound your horn between the hours of 11.30pm and 7.00am in a built up area except in an emergency.
What is the hard shoulder used for?Emergencies,breakdowns,pedestrians,and cyclists.
What is a contra flow bus lane?It is a bus lane that flows in the opposite direction to the traffic,for buses only and operates 24hours a day.
What is the rule on entering a roundabout?Give way to traffic on your immediate right,keeping the rear wheels of the vehicle in front in view at all times.
When should you use your hazard lights?When your car is broken down,being towed or at the scene of an accident.
What does a double yellow line mean?No parking at anytime.
What does a broken white line mean?A broken white line means overtake if safe to do so.
What are the road markings for a no entry street?Full white line followed by a broken white line.
What does a single yellow line mean?Parking prohibited during business hours.
What shape and colour is a warning sign?Diamond shape,yellow and black.
When can you overtake on the left?When the driver in front of you is turning right,when you intend to turn left,when the vehicles in the lane on your right are moving slower than the vehicles in your lane queueing traffic.
At a stop sign which has no white line where would you stop?At the stop sign.
What position would you take up for a right turn at the end of a one way street?The extreme right hand lane.
How would you know a zebra crossing at night?Yellow flashing beacons.
What does a broken yellow line mean?A broken yellow line marks the edge of the roadway (hard shoulder)
How close to a junction can you park?5 metres.
Where should you not overtake?At a bend,a junction,the brow of a hill,a humpback bridge,at a continuous white line or anywhere your view of oncoming traffic is restricted.
If you saw a red triangle on the road what would it mean?That there is an obstruction on the road ahead or a breakdown.
What does a green traffic light mean?Go,providing the junction is clear.
Name 4 people in authority for whom you must stop?A garda, school warden,flagman,and a person in charge of animals.
When can you cross a continuous white line?To avoid an obstruction,for access,or if there is a broken white line on your side of the continuous white line.
What rules apply to a yellow box junction?You must not enter unless your way ahead is clear with the exception of turning right,when you can enter and wait in the box if you are not obstructing other traffic.
What do 2 broken parallel lines in the centre of the road mean?There will be one or two continuous white lines ahead.
What do white diagonal lines in the centre of the road mean?You treat them like a traffic island,you do not enter(ghost island)
At a junction with roads of equal importance,to whom should you give way?"Traffic on the right and traffic already turning.
What does the island in the centre of the pedestrian crossing mean?Each side of the island is a separate crossing.
When driving at night when should you dip your headlights?a) When meeting oncoming traffic. b) When following close behind another vehicle. c) On continuously lit roads. d) At the beginning and end of lighting up hours. e) In fog or snow.
What is a clearway?Stopping and parking prohibited(except by buses or taxis)for a period indicated on the sign.
What is the legal parking distance from the kerb?Half a meter.
Where should you not park?Near a bend,the brow of a hill,a humpback bridge,at a continuous white line,where your vehicle would obstruct a sign,at an entrance,at a bus stop,opposite another vehicle on a narrow road or at a taxi rank.
What is the safe distance to drive from the car in the front?Allow 1 meter for each MPH and double if the surface is wet or observe the ‘two second rule’
At a junction when traffic lights are not working,to whom should you give way?"Traffic on the right and traffic already turning.
What does an amber traffic light mean?Stop unless you are too close to stop safely behind the white lines.
What is the national speed limit?100KMPH for cars.
What is the correct tyre thread depth?1.6mm
If there are two parallel white lines in the centre of the road,one continuous ,one broken,which would you obey?"You obey the line on your side of the road.
Why is a stop sign octagonal and a yield sign triangular (inverted)?To recognise them in snow conditions.
What should always be kept clean on your vehicle?Lights-reflectors-windows-mirrors-registration plate
What shape is the sign that regulates?Regulatory signs are round with red on white background with the exception of two stop and yield.
What is the rule about passing animals on the road?Slow down,give plenty of room,do not sound your horn or rev your patient.
Can you reverse from a minor road on to a major road?No you should only reverse from a major road to a minor.
What is aquaplaning?It is where a film of water builds up between the road and the tyre,and will affect the steering and braking.
When are you allowed to stop on the shoulder of a motorway?a) In the event of a breakdown. b) In an emergency. c) When indicated by a garda to do so.
What does a flashing amber arrow at traffic lights mean?You may turn in the direction of the amber arrow but must first give way to traffic on the road you are entering.
What are the rules for zig zag lines?Zig zag lines are found at pedestrian crossings,and mean no overtaking,no parking.
What is the speed limit on a local or regional road?80KPH.
Give examples of when it would be unsafe to stop?a) When you are already in the junction and stopping would block the junction. b) When a vehicle behind you is too close to you where they could crash into you from behind if you were to stop suddenly. c) When you’re already anticipated that if the lights turn amber but you’ve now accelerated to commit to driving through the junction.
What vehicles are not allowed on the motorway?Drivers who do not have a full license ,horse drawn carriages,motorbikes under 50 c.c i.e mopeds vehicles who cannot reach to 50kph.
When should you use your parking or side lights?When daylight begins to fade "overcast" dull days or in light rain. What lights should you have on in a tunnel? Dipped headlights unless visibility is good.
What signs would you expect to see when you are approaching a major road?Warning sign-major road ahead,regulatory sign-stop or yield.
What is the minimum legal thread depth on a tyre for vintage cars?1mm for vintage cars.
Where is the only place you will see a flashing red light?At a level crossing(trains)
What is the sequence of traffic lights?Green-steady amber-red-amber-Green
What is the two second rule?In dry conditions ,stay two seconds behind the car in front,use a stationary object on the road, start counting when the car in front passes the object and you should pass after counting two seconds.
The sequence of traffic lights?Green amber red.
What is the difference between a zebra crossing the road and a pelican crossing?A zebra crossing has the black and white stripes on the ground and flashing amber beacons,whilst a pelican crossing is controlled by traffic lights.
What does a green arrow (filter light) at traffic lights mean?You may turn in the direction of the green arrow if it is safe and clear.
On a three lane motorway which is the correct lane for normal driving?The left hand lane.
Where would you see two red flashing lights?At a level crossing with barriers and lights,and means stop,as a train is approaching.
On a dual carriageway, should you drive in the left or right lane?"You should drive in the left lane or the lane closest to the left.
What should you do if you feel tired while driving?Pull in at a safe place on the side of the road or if on a motorway, exit at the next slip road and pull in somewhere safely i.e. a garage. Walk up and down and breathe in slowly and stretch your arms and legs,drink coffee or take a nap for a minimum of 15 minutes if required.
At an uncontrolled junction of equal importance to whom should you give way?Traffic on the right, traffic already turning, if turning right to oncoming traffic coming straight through or turning to their left.

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